b'Followingovertwodecadesofstigmatizationandcriminalization, with a long pause in the exploration of psychedelic drugs potential medicinalproperties,researchhasonceagainbeengrowingsince the early 1990s 1 .With increased destigmatization of scheduled drugs andrecognitionoftheprevalenceofmentalhealthissues,finding solutions has assumed greater urgency. A shift in public consciousness and relaxing of attitudes with respect to drugs that affect the central nervous system (CNS) has removed barriers to a renewed interest in the potential benefits of psychedelics as a viable option.Regulatory Challenges Around Psychedelic Therapeutic Development In spite of this progression, the regulatory environment continues to present a unique (special) set of challenges. Unsurprisingly, given the long pause of research into their potential benefits, psychedelic drugs continue to be characterized as lacking any acknowledged therapeutic use. As a result of this, combined with their potential for abuse and triggeringemotionalresponsesthatcouldleadtoriskybehavior, psychedelic drugs remain highly controlled. With some variation in hownationalschedulingsystemsare organized,psychedelic drugs currently tend to be placed in the most restricted categories, leading to complexities in both conducting research and moving ahead to commercialization.'