b'MESSAGE FROM OUR CEOThree months into 2020 and at the top of our minds are the challenges thatCOVID-19hasbroughtto theglobalhealthcommunity,as manyareworkingtofast-trackthe development of therapies to treat the novelcoronaviruswhileprotecting themselves,theircolleagues,and theirfamilies.COVID-19hasour fullattentionhereatAltasciences, andthesafetyofouremployees, clients,andstudyparticipantswill alwaysbeourtoppriority.Many hereareaccustomedtoworking inunprecedentedsituationsandChris Perkinmaking the right and, often difficult,ChiefExecutiveOfficer,Altasciencesdecisions.Wecontinuetofocuson helping you bring your drugs to market and providing you the quality and timelines you have come to expect from usplease let us know how we can help.InothernewsthisquarterisAltasciencesacquisitionofAlliance ContractPharma,acontractdevelopmentandmanufacturing organization (CDMO) based in Philadelphia. This addition adds small moleculecontractmanufacturingandanalyticalservicesfromAPI tocommercializationtoourcomprehensivefull-servicepreclinical, clinical, and bioanalytical offerings. We continue on our journey to have both the capabilities and a fully integrated offering across all stages of early drug development, to make the process easier and more efficient for you.'