Drug-drug and drug-alcohol interaction studies range from simple two-way crossover studies to complex, multi-cohort, adaptive designs. Altasciences has designed, conducted, analyzed, and reported on hundreds of these studies — from the simplest to the most complex.
Our pharmacokineticists review the investigator brochure to determine the studies required, and the ideal inhibitor, inducer, or substrate to use. Our bioanalytical department has validated methods, and we have clinical experience, with almost all common substrates. Our designs are based on literature and in-house experience.
We have conducted single interaction, multiple interactions across cohorts, or multiple interactions within a cohort (cocktail) studies. We routinely perform CYP genotypic to exclude subjects or stratify the groupings.
- Healthy Normal Volunteers
- Special populations – elderly, CYP, genotypic
- Patient populations
Notre vaste expertise et nos capacités approfondies dans toute une gamme de domaines thérapeutiques visent notamment les études précliniques et cliniques pour les petites et grandes molécules. Nous pouvons gérer l’ensemble de votre programme et vous fournir des services de soutien à la recherche, et nous mettons à votre disposition notre expertise bioanalytique de grande renommée.