We work with you to determine the ideal approach for measuring the QT prolongation effect of your new compound or formulation by partnering with core ECG labs for the data collection and analysis.

Some sponsors choose to add early cardiac safety assessment to their first-in-human studies, while others wait for later development and perform a Thorough QT prolongation study. Regardless of your approach, Altasciences can help you with the design. We have conducted 11 studies involving cardiac Intense/concentration QT/TQT (IQT/TQT) since 2016.

The design and conduct of studies focused on ECG measurement revolve around reducing variability in the measures, as this allows the studies to be conducted with smaller sample sizes. We consider the impact of clinical events like blood draws, and also limit other stimuli. We ensure that when the ECGs are taken, there are no events that affect heart rate.

Consult our Cardiac Assessment Fact Sheet


  • Healthy Normal Volunteers
  • 11 studies with IQT/TQT assessments since 2016
  • >28 studies that involved IQT/TQT assessments
  • Awarded multi-year, multi-million $ contracts with NIH/NIDA and FDA