Research Support

  • Research Support
  • Rapid Turnaround Medical Writing Solutions


    Reliable and Robust Medical Writing Solutions

    Altasciences’ expert writing services are offered as an integrated part of your study (or studies) or as a standalone service.

    From design to final regulatory submission, we provide a range of writing solutions to ensure quality documentation for your clinical trials. We produce flexible, efficient processes for both small and large projects, and are able to expedite your request as needed. To meet global technical and regulatory requirements, we apply best practices for content, format, and style to in-house or sponsor-supplied document templates.

    Contact our team of experts to learn more about our medical writing capabilities.

    Altasciences transforms the traditional outsourcing paradigm by simplifying and streamlining solutions, whether a single study or multiple programs, to offer an integrated/synchronized approach to CRO and CDMO services from lead candidate selection to clinical proof of concept and beyond.

    You may also be interested in the following:

    Fact sheet: Integrated Research Support Services
    Webpage: Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Capabilities
    Webpage: Complementary CRO Research Services
    Webpage: Comprehensive Clinical Trial Services

    Dedicated Full-Time Experts Working for You!

    At Altasciences, our full-time equivalent (FTE) solutions give you access to capabilities and expertise tailored to your requirements. Our experts treat your priorities with the same level of commitment to timelines and deliverables as you do.

    Find out how our FTE program can benefit you

    Podcast — Altasciences’ Clinical Trial Monitoring

    Altasciences’ clinical trial monitoring solutions will help progress your study from initiation to final close-out efficiently, while saving you time and costs. Our team of highly experienced, well-trained CRAs, will work with you throughout the conduct of your clinical trial to ensure strict adherence to protocol and regulations, subject safety, and accurate visit reporting.

    Learn more about the benefits of working with Altasciences’ CRAs for your clinical trial monitoring needs.

    Data that Meets Regulatory Guidelines Worldwide

    Robust planning early in drug development can save you both time and money. Altasciences' in-house pharmacokineticists and biostatisticians can work with you to build a robust strategy from the get-go. They are accustomed to managing complex projects with different partners, no matter the therapeutic area — your drug will be in expert hands.

    Start planning today!


    Complimentary Webinar — Critical Sample Handling Processes for Preclinical and Clinical Studies

    Sample management at the test facility or clinical site, including sample collection an processing, is a critical aspect of regulated bioanalysis. This is reinforced in the FDA's final industry guidance on Bioanalytical Method Validation (BMV). For meaningful data, every effort should be made to ensure that the analytes' concentration is maintained, from sample collection to completion of bioanalysis.

    The Solution to Shorter SEND Timelines

    Are you currently experiencing challenges with SEND, specifically when it comes to timelines? You can rely on Altasciences to ask the right questions from the get-go, to smoothly guide you through the SEND process and help you avoid potential delays in the preparation of reliable SEND datasets for your regulatory submissions.

    Contact our SEND team today to experience the difference.

    Contact SEND Expert

    Choosing the Right CRO for Your Clinical Trial Monitoring

    At Altasciences, we understand your clinical trials are unique and require careful management. As part of our partnership with you, our highly experienced CRAs offer top quality monitoring, through agile and flexible processes and transparent communication. We are up to date with all required trainings, and remain abreast of current legislations, techniques, and technologies.

    For more information on Altasciences' monitoring capabilities, contact one of our experienced CRA team members.

    Contact CRA expert

    Frequently asked SEND questions & Pro tips

    Navigating the SEND requirements can be complicated. By asking the right questions upfront, you'll be able to choose a knowledgeable and experienced partner who can guide you through the process, help you avoid potential delays and prepare reliable SEND datasets for FDA submissions.

    Before you choose your SEND partner, read our frequently asked questions and quick pro tips.

    Learn more

    Integrating Anatomic and Clinical Pathology into reports

    Anatomic and Clinical Pathology datasets are critical when evaluating the safety and efficacy of a drug during the preclinical stage of drug development. Since anatomic and clinical pathology identify and characterize toxicity by different, yet complementary means, integrating both datasets provides a more comprehensive assessment for predicting important toxicities that could occur in humans.

    Successful integration requires that anatomic and clinical pathologists collaborate closely. At least one of them must also understand the utility and limitations of both disciplines.

    To ensure seamless integration of pathology data into the overall study report, our teams work closely with one another and follows established workflows and communication systems for every project. Additionally, our team can offer guidance on how to best use an integrated assessment for making critical decisions related to your drug candidate.

    And, since one of our team members is a dual-certified Anatomic and Clinical Pathologist who brings over 25 years of drug development knowledge to Altasciences, you'll have a trusted partner available to guide you.

    To learn more about how we can support you, speak to an expert.

    Are you SEND-ready?

    You need SEND. We can help.

    Compliant and reliable datasets for your nonclinical study data are critical for successful FDA submissions. To ensure you are SEND-ready, our SEND team can help guide you through the requirements and the challenges. Altasciences uses submitTM software to create datasets, and Pinnacle 21 to ensure data integrity.


    Partner With Confidence.

    • A seamless process. Our dedicated SEND team works onsite to ensure your data from collection to submission is accurately converted. With a single point of contact, your SEND expert will be accessible to answer your questions from start to finish.

    • Experience. As active members of the CDISC SEND Consortium and PhUSE (Pharmaceutical User Software Exchange) nonclinical working groups, our team contributes to the development of SEND standards and remains at the forefront of these evolving standards to support best practices.

    • Rapid turnaround. We understand the importance of your timelines and can prepare submission-ready files within two weeks. Interim datasets are also available for submission or for data warehousing purposes.


    What can I expect to receive in my SEND package?

    • SAS Transport Files (XPT format)
    • Define file (XML format)
    • Study Data Reviewer's Guide [nSDRG] (DOC format)
    • Additional formats are available upon request


    What do I need to know about recent and upcoming changes to SEND?

    • Effective March 15, 2019, SEND 3.1 is required for single- and repeat-dose general toxicology, Carcinogenicity studies and Safety Pharmacology studies for NDA, ANDA, and certain BLA submissions.

    • Effective March 15, 2020, SEND 3.1 is required for single- and repeat-dose general toxicology, Carcinogenicity studies and Safety Pharmacology studies for IND submissions.

    What is Altasciences doing to prepare for the future of SEND?
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