The Power of Microsampling in Preclinical Research


As an alternative to traditional venipuncture, blood microsampling represents a less invasive and simplified collection technique, resulting in numerous benefits for preclinical and clinical studies alike.

Microsampling in safety testing supports Altasciences’ commitment to the 3Rs: replace, reduce, and refine experimental animal use. It also provides other advantages, such as:

  • Accelerated animal recovery due to rapid blood collection
  • Direct correlation of study findings with PD and toxicological effects given the use of main study animals 
  • Less variability in PK profiles when derived from individual animals versus composite profiling  
  • Collection of additional PK/TK timepoints
  • Biomarkers and metabolites detection that aids interpretation of toxicological effect 
  • Reduced animal numbers saves on costs and time

Speak with one of our microsampling experts today.

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