Save Time. Choose the Right Regulatory Pathway.
Advantages of Conducting Early Phase Clinical Research in Canada
Given the regulatory constraints in Europe, Altasciences' Montréal facility continues to be an ideal choice for clinical research. Discover the benefits of conducting early phase research in Canada, such as time and cost savings.

This issue of The Altascientist examines the advantages of conducting early phase clinical research in Canada, including 76 days in time savings, and a predictable regulatory review.

In this on-demand webinar, Leslie Dowling and Roland Jbeily walk you through different regulatory pathways available to safely get your drug to market as quickly as possible.
Altasciences’ Canadian clinical facility consists of seven Phase I units, at which we conduct over 100 trials every year. We support the full range of first-in-human studies, specialty studies, and therapeutic areas, such as ophthalmology, CNS, and substance abuse.
We can help get you into the clinic faster—schedule a chat today!
Take five minutes to explore these insightful resources:
Podcast: The Benefits of Conducting a Clinical Trial in Canada
Drug Development Timelines: How Health Canada’s 30-Day Regulatory Review Process Could Provide an Advantage