Preclinical Research

  • Preclinical Research
  • Whole Genome Sequencing, Proteomics, and Function Characterization of the Sinclair Nanopig™ for (Bio)Pharmaceuticals Safety Assessment



    Strategies to Minimize Number of Animals Used in Toxicology Studies

    Optimizing Preclinical Study Designs to Reduce Animal Use

    Our latest webinar is now available on-demand―watch it at your leisure.

    This webinar focuses on the methods employed to minimize the number of animals used in toxicology studies while ensuring scientific integrity and reproducible findings. Drawing from our extensive experience spanning decades, we analyze the advantages and limitations of each method.


    Social media webinar Preclinical 3Rs mouse on demand

    Questions? Speak with one of our experts today and let's get your program underway.

    ​​Related resources that may interest you:

    CNS-Targeted Therapies Delivery Strategies and Sampling in Non-rodent Preclinical Species: Considerations During Early Phase Discovery to IND-Enabling Regulatory Studies

    The Next Generation of Non-Rodent Species for Nonclinical Studies

    Embracing Change

    If you missed our latest webinar in collaboration with Sinclair Bio Resources, The Next Generation Non-Rodent Model for (Bio)Pharmaceuticals Safety Assessment, it’s not too late! The on-demand version is now available.

    You’ll learn about the increasing role of miniature swine in drug development and the distinct advantages offered by the Sinclair Nanopig™ model—from availability across all ages to comparable toxicological data with Göttingen™ minipigs and other non-rodent species.

    Watch it now!


    Sinclair Nanopig

    If you have questions about your nonclinical studies, speak with one of our experts.

    You may also be interested in:

    The Sinclair Nanopigᵀᴹ—The Other Non-rodent

    Selecting the Ideal Dosage Form for Your Drug Development Program

    Choose Wisely.

    With decades of experience developing and manufacturing almost every dosage form on the market, our experts can guide you in selecting the optimal one for your drug development program.

    Read the infographic to discover the pros and cons of the two most popular solid oral dosage forms to determine which is best for your molecule.

    Ready to discuss your drug development and manufacturing needs? Send us a message.

    Related resources that may interest you:

    Eye-Opening Insights on Ophthalmic Drug Development


    Our Commitment to Better Vision
    and Eye Health

    With a deep understanding of the unique challenges presented by ocular drug development, Altasciences combines cutting-edge research, advanced technological platforms, and comprehensive regulatory expertise to support your program from lead candidate selection to market.

    Our end-to-end ophthalmic expertise includes:

        •   50 years of experience with all ophthalmic therapeutic indications—no study ever rejected for reasons of design, conduct, or data integrity;

        •   all ophthalmic routes of administration and specialized techniques;

        •   many different types of formulations, including nanoparticles and ocular implants;

        •   ocular studies performed in multiple species (rodent and non-rodent);

        •   more than 40 ophthalmology clinical trials conducted;

        •   on-site Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (DACVO);

        •   significant investment in specialized equipment like optical coherence tomography (OCT) and RetCam; and

        •   state-of-the-art bioanalytical instrumentation and assay platforms.

    Ready to dive deeper? Explore our full range of integrated CRO/CDMO ophthalmic drug development services and how they can accelerate your timeline by up to 40%.

    Do you have an ocular drug compound in your development pipeline?
    Speak with one of our experts about your study and let’s get you started!

    Related resources that may interest you:

    Webinar: Gene and Cell Therapy―Enhanced CNS and Ocular Delivery in NHPs
    Fact Sheet: Our Comprehensive Ophthalmic Drug Development Services
    Scientific Journal: The Complexities of Early Phase Ophthalmic Drug ​​​Development


    Unveiling the Layers of Nonclinical Dermal Studies


    In this issue of The Altascientist, we review the specific nonclinical requirements to move a dermal program forward to Phase I clinical trials and how to minimize inherent challenges―a case study using the minipig model is included.




    Considerations for nonclinical dermal studies - Advancing to phase 1


    Altasciences has decades of experience supporting dermal drug development programs, from initial efficacy to clinical proof of concept. We boast one of North America's largest herds of miniature swine, including the most popular breeds of minipigs for dermal studies.


    Speak with one of our experts today and let's get your program underway.



    ​​Related resources that may interest you:

        •   Webpage: Preclinical Research Services
        •   eBook: Scratching the Surface of Nonclinical Dermal Testing
        •   Webinar: Downsized Miniature Swine―A New Spin on the Oldest Model


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